Heavy rain in Lonavala since early Sunday morning caused the Bhushi Dam to overflow, increasing the flow of nearby waterfalls. This surge in water led to a tragic incident on Sunday afternoon when four family members from Pune, including three children, drowned in a waterfall behind the Bhushi Dam. A minor from the same family remains missing.

The family, hailing from the Hadapsar area of Pune, had gone to Lonavala for a picnic. The Pune rural police, along with INS Shivaji and members of the "Shivdurg Mitra Mandal," conducted a rescue operation and recovered three bodies: Ameena Salman alias Adil Ansari (13), her sister Umera Salman alias Adil Ansari (8), and a woman, Shahista Liyakat Ansari (37). On Monday morning, the body of Mariya Akil Sayyad (9) was also found. However, Adnan Sabhahat Ansari (4) remains missing.

All victims were residents of Sayyad Nagar area in Hadapsar. The police stated that about 18 members from the families of Liyakat Ansari and Yunus Khan from Hadapsar had come to Lonavala for the picnic. They visited a waterfall located behind the Bhushi Dam. Initially, the water flow was less, but due to heavy rain, the stream gathered momentum, sweeping ten tourists away around 3 pm. While five of them were rescued, the other five were swept into the reservoir connected to the dam.

Police officers on duty and local residents attempted to assist, but the strong water currents quickly swept the victims away. Inspector Suhas Jagtap of Lonavala City Police Station said, “The deceased and their relatives, some of whom are residents of Pune, had come to Lonavala in a private vehicle for a picnic. Some of them were playing in the water stream when the flow of water increased suddenly, causing them to be swept away.”

The search operation continued on Monday morning. The bodies of the three deceased were taken to a hospital for post-mortem examination. A video purportedly showing the victims being swept away by the waterfall stream has surfaced on social media.

The incident occurred in an area under the jurisdiction of the Indian Railways and the Forest Department. Preventive measures are being planned with the help of these authorities to avoid future incidents. The police have appealed to citizens to avoid entering dangerous spots during heavy rain and to cooperate with police and government officials at tourist locations.

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