Tragically, 48-year-old actress Dolly Sohi, who was best known for her part in the television series "Jhanak," went away. Her sister Amandeep Sohi passed away a few hours prior to her own. As Dolly battled cervical cancer, Amandeep passed away from jaundice. ETimes TV, a division of Times of India, confirmed the news of their deaths.
Verification of Dolly's Demise from Her Family
The statement from Dolly's family, confirming her death, read, "Our beloved Dolly left us early this morning for her heavenly abode." We're stunned right now. This afternoon, the final ceremonies will be carried out." Dolly's brother Manu had already revealed the TV actress Amandeep Sohi's demise. News of Dolly Sohi's passing also broke shortly after.
The Battle of Jaundice with Amandeep
March 7th, Thursday, was Amandeep Sohi's last day of life. She became well-known due to her part in the television series "Badtameez Dil." As to the report on ETimes TV, Amandeep's brother Manu Sohi disclosed that his brother had died due to jaundice. "Yes, it's true that Amandeep isn't with us anymore," he said. Her body is no longer with us. We're not in a position to question the doctors about specifics, although she had jaundice."
Manu also said that Dolly's condition wasn't serious during this period, but she had been told to stay in the hospital and relax. Nevertheless, Dolly also died this morning. It's important to remember that Dolly received a cervical cancer diagnosis in 2023.
The End of Dolly's Run on "Jhanak"
Dolly was admitted to the hospital after she started having breathing problems. She began to exhibit improvements after starting treatment. She was forced to leave the show "Jhanak" owing to health concerns, though, as she was unable to continue filming for a long time after receiving chemotherapy.
Dolly had been involved in the television business for about twenty years, making appearances in a number of series. She got married to Canadian Avneet Dhanowa. But once she had a child, issues started to arise between them. Emily, Dolly's daughter, is her surviving child.
The entertainment community and fans are in disbelief over this news, and they are lamenting the passing of these gifted ladies.
Fans, relatives, and friends of Dolly and Amandeep Sohi are in sorrow following their unexpected deaths. Their achievements to the television business will never be forgotten. We send our sincere sympathies to their loved ones during this trying time.
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