The late Punjabi musician Sidhu Moosewala's father, Balkaur Singh, recently announced the birth of their kid and thanked everyone for their support and good health. After being brutally killed in May 2022, Moosewala has now grown up to be a big brother.
"With the blessings of lakhs and crores of souls desiring Shubhdeep, the Eternal Lord has put Shubh's little brother in our lap," Balkaur Singh thanked everyone in an Instagram post. The family is healthy because of God's blessings, and I am appreciative of everyone's tremendous love."
Prior reports had stated that Charan Kaur, the mother of Sidhu Moosewala, was expecting a child in March. According to information reported by The Indian Express, the couple, who are in their late 50s, had turned to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and had travelled abroad for the treatment last year.
Balkaur Singh had appeared to refute the pregnancy rumours just four days before to the announcement, asking well-wishers not to believe rumours. "We are grateful to Sidhu's well-wishers who are concerned about our family," he had posted on Facebook. However, we kindly ask that you disregard the numerous rumours that are circulating over the family. The family will keep you all updated on any news."
Known for his contributions to Punjabi music, Sidhu Moosewala passed away suddenly on May 29, 2022. When Satwinder Singh, also known as Goldy Brar, took ownership of the murder, he disclosed ties to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. According to the post-mortem report, Moosewala was shot 19 times, and as a result, he had "haemorrhage shock" that caused him to pass away in 15 minutes.
In his political career, Moosewala ran in the 2022 Punjab Assembly Elections from Mansa on a Congress ticket, but Dr. Vijay Singla of the Aam Aadmi Party beat him. In December 2021, the artist announced his decision to join the Congress, embarking on a political journey alongside his musical career.
The family of Sidhu Moosewala, who is still getting over the loss of their beloved singer, is experiencing both happiness and sadness with the arrival of their newborn sibling. Balkaur Singh's fortitude and appreciation in the face of adversity serve as a reminder of the human spirit's unwavering strength.
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